002 . My contact with a 'differentiated terrestrial being' or alien

Publiquei, 16/01/2020, em Inglês por ter relatado estes episódios à Mufon, uma organização internacional de controle e divulgação sobre o assunto.

Transcrevo a "Descrição" que coloquei no Youtube por achar que ela descreve muito bem o que sinto.

My contact with a 'differentiated terrestrial being' or alien

Conceição Júdice Paiva
Translation helped by GoogleTranslation

When the symptoms of progressive L4 and L5 spinal compression begin to become unbearable and there is no cause other than what you know, you have a duty to overcome prejudice and disclose all the facts. relevant to the subject.
These events that subtly initiated these symptoms at the time of the event, especially the second contact that was based on withdrawal of I do not know what caused the onset of stronger symptoms, justify the progression of these symptoms that is causing almost today. interruption of all my necessary physical activity, fitness or survival.
Since the bright white balloon is only a few years old, I'm sure there is something different out there and who knows how. These contacts may not be occurring, but normal humans may be being harassed at various levels of "aggression" by these "differentiated" terrestrial beings, causing physical changes like mine, leading to the point of compromising national economies by over-treating injuries. caused by these contacts of 'differentiated terrestrial' beings. In addition to this kind of consequence, there is also the worst that many normal human beings can suffer, causing a poor quality of life and even reducing, as the case may be, the life span they would have without such contact.
I am reporting these cases to Mufon because of its ability to warn of these types of occurrences, avoiding many unnecessary injuries.
Becoming aware of certain actions that are taking place is the best way to create alerts about these actions.
Thank you for listening to me and I hope you will be alert to occurrences of this kind.
My contact with a 'differentiated terrestrial being' or alien

Conceição Júdice Paiva
Translation helped by GoogleTranslation

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Shopping Virtual ArtdoViver . https://shoppingvirtualartdoviver.blogspot.com

